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Ethiopia Bottled Mineral Water Factory

Ethiopia bottled mineral water factory project includes mineral water production workshop, package workshop, and finished bottled mineral water storage warehouse, total area 2616 sqm.
Ethiopia Bottled Mineral Water Factory
Ethiopia Bottled Mineral Water Factory
Ethiopia Bottled Mineral Water Factory
Ethiopia Bottled Mineral Water Factory
Ethiopia Bottled Mineral Water Factory
Ethiopia Bottled Mineral Water Factory

Bottled mineral water factory details:

1. Size: water production workshop 60*24*8m, package workshop 50*12*8m, and finished product storage warehouse 48*12*8m(Length*Width*Hight) 

2.  All Steel framework with galvanized surface treatment

3. Roof: single corrugated steel sheet and skylight belt

4. Wall: color-coated corrugated steel sheet

5. Door: rolling door with small entrance door

6. Service: designing, manufacturing and installation of water factory 

7. Bottled water factory construction place: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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