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Steel Structure Logistics Storage Warehouse
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Maldives Steel Warehouse

Views: 284     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-12-22      Origin: Site

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Project Name: Three-Story Prefab Steel Structure Warehouse

Location: Maldives

Area: 4387 m2

Project Time: 2017

Steel structure warehouse details:

1. 1# warehouse: L29.8* W21.12 * H11.0 (12.5% slope)-1888.2m2

2. 2# warehouse: L28.8* W28.92 * H11.0 (12.5% slope)2498.7m2

3. Prefab warehouse frame type: three-layer frame structure

4. Main steel structure: welded H column and beam with two coats of mid-grey and fireproof coating painting

5. Secondary Framing: Z purlins & girts Galv, eave struts, wind bracing, flange bracing, base angles, clips and other miscellaneous structural parts

6. Floor material:  H type steel beam + floor Deck+concrete 

7. Steel warehouse roof and wall cladding materials: fiber glass wool, 50mm thickness

steel frame of Maldives Prefab Steel Structure Warehouse

Inside of Three-StoreyPrefab Steel Structure Warehouse

Maldives steel warehouse project

Three-Story Prefab Warehouse Project in Maldives

Maldives steel structure warehouse

Maldives Steel Warehouse

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