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Prefab Steel Structure Airplane Hangar for Sale

The prefab airplane hangar adopts a light steel structure system, covers area of 1248 m2, steel hangar built in Australia in 2009, used for airplane repairing house.
Prefab Steel Structure Airplane Hangar for Sale
Prefab Steel Structure Airplane Hangar for Sale
Prefab Steel Structure Airplane Hangar for Sale
Prefab Steel Structure Airplane Hangar for Sale
Prefab Steel Structure Airplane Hangar for Sale
Prefab Steel Structure Airplane Hangar for Sale

Steel hangar features:

Prefab hangar is provided with attractive appearance, full equipment, and thermal insulation. We comply with regional building codes, wind load(hurricane), snow load, and seismic(earthquake) requirements.

Prefab airplane hangar description:

1. Steel hangar size: 39*32*7.5m (Length*Width*Eave Height)

2. Roof pitch: 20%

3. Nnmber of bays: 5

4. Bay bize: 5m and 7m

5. Prefab airplane hangar primary framing: welded H section steel with primer and facing anti-rusting painting, which will be bolted together at the site

6. Secondary framing: C purlins & girts, eave struts, wind bracing, flange bracing, base angles, clips and other miscellaneous structural parts

7. Prefab steel hangar roof cladding: V-960 Insulated Steel Sandwich Panel, 0.5mm/75mm EPS/0.5mm, White

8. Wall cladding: V-950 Insulated Steel Sandwich Panel, 0.5mm/75mm Rockwool/0.5mm, White

9. Partition wall: V-960 Insulated Steel Sandwich Panel, 0.5mm/75mm EPS/0.5mm, White

10. Prefab steel hangar lighting system: skylight Panel, V-960, 1.5mm thickness

11. Window: PVC Windows

12. Door: Hangar door, 30m length

13. Ceiling for mezzanine office part: Calcium Silicate Boards wool=60kg/m3, white

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